All Mitrol PLC systems use LogicLab, the complete, practical and efficient Windows-based development environment. LogicLab…
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All Mitrol PLC systems use LogicLab, the complete, practical and efficient Windows-based development environment. LogicLab uses the IEC 61131-3 standard, the most widespread for programming industrial controls.
Logic Lab has an intuitive interface and an integrated editor that supports all five levels of the 61131-3 languages, namely IL (Instruction List), ST (Structured Text), LD (Ladder Diagram), FB (Function Block) and SFC (Sequential Function Chart); the written code is compiled directly into machine language which makes the application extremely efficient, particularly for time‑critical ones.
With the same LogicLab interface, configurations and real-time processes are managed on the various EtherCAT, Modbus and CAN field buses.
LogicLab has a powerful debugging system thanks to a graphical interface which, combined with the realtime component within our systems, allows you to fully exploit effective tools such as watch windows, breakpoints, triggers, oscilloscope emulation on PLC variables and live debugging.
During the development phase of the application, communication between the host system where LogicLab runs and the hardware target takes place via a TCP/IP network, this connection can also take place in remote tele-assistance mode.
Always during the development or commissioning phase of the automation software, the sending of the executable code to the target system is carried out in ‘hot-swap’ mode: any new version of the PLC application is loaded onto the target via TCP/IP without stopping running the current version.
Looking forward to reusing code already developed by the user in previous applications, with LogicLab it is possible to create libraries and integrate them into new applications.
Mitrol provides the basic libraries and those compliant with the PLCopen standard.
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